Once upon a time, not that long ago, a lynx, agile and purposeful, was rambling through the lush forests of southern Finland. Sharp-eyed, he knew the forest, its every tree and stone, every babbling brook and mossy trail. After all, it was his home.

The forest was part of Finland's natural landscape where the first glimmering rays of sunlight shone through tall trees and upon the nettles in the spring. As summer advanced, yellow chanterelles found their place at the roots of birch trees. In the shade of pine trees big, blue-skinned bilberries grew to be later joined by flavorful lingonberries and ruby red cranberries. As far as the eye could see, the lynx knew that every summer nature would provide everything he needed.
Early one summer morning, the lynx was sitting on a hilltop enjoying the first rays of sunlight when an eagle flew by. The eagle landed on the treetop of a nearby spruce. If anything, she knew how to fly. She had spread her mighty wings and wandered out in the world. Ideas were bubbling up in her head and she was restless yet hopeful. She was longing for a companion who would believe in her and her wild dreams and look towards the same direction.
The eagle had followed the purposefully wandering lynx and she was impressed. That morning, she decided to make a closer acquaintance with him. She folded her mighty wings into her body and landed on a big rock close to the lynx. The lynx took a pondering look at the eagle as she spoke to him: “Hear me out and I will tell you what I dream of.” And curious as he was, the lynx listened to what she had to say.
He was impressed. They had much in common and together they realized the potential and the possibilities from the bountiful offerings of the forest. They discussed at length crystallizing an idea of their common goal. From that moment on, the lynx and the eagle have worked for the health benefits of the Finnish forest. Purposefully like the lynx, eloquently like the eagle.

The story of the lynx and the eagle is the beginning of Natural Nordic. Drawing its existence from the natural gifts of the forest, Natural Nordic equals the purity of Finnish nature. Our quality products are wild and natural. All the ingredients originate from the natural gifts of the forest — the same forest that the lynx and the eagle call their home.
There is nothing useless or unnecessary in the Finnish nature and this holds true for Natural Nordic products as well. Nothing less, nothing more — only what has always been there. The safe, familiar healthy Finnish nature.